A new exclusive organization has been formed, comprised of the descendants of all U.S. Presidents. This broke my heart because no matter what I do, I can never qualify. But then I realized if only I had the right name, maybe I could qualify.

"NBC's Tokyo Olympics primetime coverage pulled in an average 15.5 million viewers, down 40 percent from the average 26.7 million primetime viewers for the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro."
This is sad news because unless the Olympics make big money, giant global media will cut them off. The Olympics need new, exciting events to attract people. But what? Then in my backyard children's play-yard, I saw the answer.
The Huntington Beach (CA) oil spill is but the latest of global oil spills. The oily goo spreads for many miles, widely killing marine life and despoiling everything in its path. And those responsible for those oil spills blame others and don't change their ways.
So it's up to us to do something and here is what I propose: Develop marine life that is oil resistant! If that sounds silly, remember scientists today do wonders with DNA. Already in a science lab, we have the first DNA altered specimen.