Friday, October 28, 2022

The First Elvis Impersonator

In present-day, Myanmar, researchers have discovered a 99-million-year-old hairy snail, about 1 inch long.

In looking at him, I thought of Elvis Presley, which means if other people can see that image too, it makes him the first Elvis impersonator.

With Love To All - Dick

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Monday, October 24, 2022

The Father - Son Talk

I think of my Mini Cooper as a son. His name is Mini and at 16 it is time to have what fathers call The Talk, so I can give him valuable life lessons. If you have a son, these lessons may be useful to you. Here is what I will say:

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The Wisdom Of The Animal Kingdom

"This is the case of the Wise Old Owl vs the Jackass," the Lion mightily roared as he called the court to order.

"Mr. Jackass is accused of harassing Mr. Owl on social media, arguing endlessly that only he is right and using nasty language and every harsh computer symbol to scream his feelings."

"Mr. Jackass is also accused of recruiting other jackasses on social media to join in harassing Mr. Owl, after Mr. Owl repeatedly tried to reason with Mr. Jackass, using science and logic. 

"Having read all the postings, I'm ready to issue my verdict."

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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Finding Paradise

In the vast blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, lies a beautiful new island. As a lifelong seeker of paradise, I moved there. And I loved it! 

But soon I became lonely and invited others to join me. From everywhere they came, and we named our island, Paradise.

But one day, things began to change:

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