Friday, April 26, 2024

Animal, Insect Self-Awareness

Last Friday, at New York University nearly 40 researchers presented “The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness.”

Its basic premise is that animals, even insects have cognitive recognition, self-awareness and sensitivity.

Wanting to test the premise, this morning I spoke to a snail 🐌 on my driveway:

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Intelligence Of Parrots

In a scientific experiment using a touch screen, researchers were able to teach 20 parrots how to play a computer game, as the parrots used their beaks to play.

The science is moving so fast, that the parrots are now playing more games. Just yesterday, online, I played Poker with a colorful parrot named, “Mexico City Red.”

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Monday, April 15, 2024


In breaking news yesterday, at Laguna Beach High School, some students are using AI to put the faces of some other students on naked bodies.

In a bit of real life comedy, The local TV stations are covering the story but American censors do not allow naked bodies to be shown. The stations could only show outraged parents.

So I called the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy where Michelangelo’s world famous naked statue of David is located.

“How do you treat American censorship,” I asked. 

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Friday, January 26, 2024

The Secret To A Longer Life?

After analyzing data from hundreds of studies of people in 59 countries, scientists determined people with more schooling tended to die later. Every additional year of education reduced mortality by 2%.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Seeking Peace

In the news, Quiet Parks International, a nonprofit group is designating silent areas in nature, no human noise, and encouraging everyone to seek this silence. So I drove up to Yosemite alone, because they are advising us to avoid human noise.

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Monday, December 11, 2023


Hamneskär, is a remote island, 5 miles west of the Swedish coast. It is known for its old lighthouse. Now the Swedish Gov’t has converted the housing the lighthouse keepers, families, and staff used to live in, into a hotel for vacationers.

Wanting to go there, I contacted the Manager:

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Monday, December 4, 2023

Environmental Sensitivity

The 28th Annual United Nations Climate Change Conference kicked off this morning in Dubai, with an expected attendance of 70,000 participants. A prominent focus of the conference will be the phasing out of fossil fuels.

Eager to capture the significance of the event, I looked forward to conducting interviews with some of the attendees.

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