Today in my local market, I tried to buy a special cereal only to find it was on too high a shelf and I wasn’t tall enough to reach it. At first I thought it was the lord telling me not to buy this cereal.

"What are we going to do," Santa pleaded with his elves. I depend upon Stand-in Santas everywhere to listen to children to find out what they want for Christmas.
"But because of fears of the COVID, there is a shortage of these Stand-in Santas. There isn't enough of them to speak with all the children." No elf had an answer.
But Mrs. Claus did.
"Waka-Waka," echoed from my backyard. "Waka-Waka."
I live in a semi-rural area and on this cold blustery day, I was sitting in my home in front of a roaring fire, having hot chocolate and oatmeal cookies when I heard that renowned owl hoot.
Instantly, I knew it was the famous Great Horned Owl, seldom seen, and often sought by photographers.
I grabbed my camera and scanned my backyard, when on an old oak tree, on a branch 20 feet up, I spotted him.
To get a great photo, I climbed to the top of my grandchildren's playground set, and just as I was about to take his photo, I slipped and landed on the grass 20-feet below.
"Waka-Waka, Hoo-Hoo-Hoo," loudly echoed, and I knew he was laughing at me. "Waka-Waka, Hoo-Hoo- Hoo," rang out again.
As I looked out my window this morning, I saw an unusual man and my heart told me I had to speak with him, for I sensed he was Jesus.
He didn't look like Jesus because he wasn't white as he is so often depicted, nor did he have a long robe and long hair.
Instead, he was a homeless man, walking the world in tattered clothing. He was 5 feet, 2 inches tall, with dark hair, copper colored skin and a thin body.
Jesus spoke Spanish and a little English and he had his belongings in a fast food sized plastic bag he held in his right hand.
No-one else seemed to notice him, as if he was invisible. The hardships he had bourn were written in his eyes and in the lines on his face, and in his well worn calloused hands.
Recently, while visiting the Kingdom of Genovia, I attended two massive rallies.
In the first rally, about COVID vaccinations, thousands of people arrived to loudly proclaim, "MY BODY, MY CHOICE," and "SUPPORT FREEDOM OF CHOICE!"
As questions arose, many of these anti-vax supporters refused to speak to the "liberal media."
The next day at the second rally, I saw many of these same demonstrators but this time loudly opposing women's legal rights to control their own bodies.
"Abortion is murder," they shouted. "Shut down the abortion clinics!" and "God Hates Abortion!" were written on their signs. I was stunned!
But yesterday you demanded, "MY BODY, MY CHOICE," and "SUPPORT FREEDOM OF CHOICE" so how can you now justify reversing your own position. "It's not the same," people shouted. But no-one could tell me how it was different.
Warning: Dear Reader, this Fable is about a real life passenger who allegedly assaulted a flight attendant. As of this writing, he has not been convicted in a court of law. I hold his alleged victim in my heart and I pray for her healing and her well-being and that of her family. I also pray for him, as a soul so misguided, as to allegedly commit such an atrocity. Here is our Fable:
"NBC's Tokyo Olympics primetime coverage pulled in an average 15.5 million viewers, down 40 percent from the average 26.7 million primetime viewers for the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro."
This is sad news because unless the Olympics make big money, giant global media will cut them off. The Olympics need new, exciting events to attract people. But what? Then in my backyard children's play-yard, I saw the answer.
The Huntington Beach (CA) oil spill is but the latest of global oil spills. The oily goo spreads for many miles, widely killing marine life and despoiling everything in its path. And those responsible for those oil spills blame others and don't change their ways.
So it's up to us to do something and here is what I propose: Develop marine life that is oil resistant! If that sounds silly, remember scientists today do wonders with DNA. Already in a science lab, we have the first DNA altered specimen.
Today as I do each school morning, I was on the edge of the street in front of my home greeting families delivering their children to the nearby elementary school, and greeting commuters.
On my driveway, I noticed a squirrel watching all the activities. "My name is Herbie," he shouted to me. "My name is Dick," I replied with a smile.
"You know what you're doing can be dangerous," he yelled. "My brother Frankie was on the street about where you are when a car ran him over."
"Did it kill him," I asked. "No," said Herbie. "But it made him flat as a pancake. We rushed him to the vet and it was month before he could climb a tree again."
To bring tranquility and beauty into my life, three days ago our gardener planted Lantanas, which are low growing flowering plants.
This morning while I was enjoying my garden, I heard voices coming from the Lantana. I was stunned, not realizing Lantana can speak.
When my gardener planted them, he planted orange/red ones and he planted a few purple ones and a big batch of white.
While I stood there dumbfounded, still absorbing the fact that Lantana can speak, suddenly a spokesman for the white ones said, “We hate those of other colors!"