Day 1
Throughout my life, I have held a pasted tooth brush and brushed my teeth. Very simple.
But now, I am told, it is time for me to use a modern electric tooth brush. So I bought the one recommended by my dental hygienist and began to read the instructions.
Immediately, I noticed they were in English, Spanish and French, and were so complex, I couldn't tell the languages apart.
But after finally deciphering those instructions, I learned I can sync my new tooth brush to my cell phone, although I don't know why I would.
My new tooth brush may also be able to turn on the TV and start my toaster but I don't know why I would do that either.
But undeterred, I was finally ready to brush. So today, for the first time, I used an electric toothbrush. Here's what happened:
Because I didn't know what I was doing, the tooth paste spilled down my mouth and on to my sleeves, dribbled on to my shoe tops and splattered the mirror.
Very little paste got on my teeth.
To correct this problem, next time I will brush while wearing only my Sponge Bob undershorts and my Big Bird bib.
Anything else would make me look foolish.
Day 5
Everything is progressing well. I now wear my everyday clothes and shoes when I brush, although I do get some sprinkles on my shirt, on the mirror and on anyone around me.
Electric toothbrushes came into common use in the 1960's and this is my "Back to the Future" moment.
I am already anticipating the arrival of the Beatles, a spacecraft landing on the moon, the U.S. going to war, Woodstock, the Summer of Love in San Francisco and the New York Mets winning The World Series. Groovy Man!
With Love To All - Dick

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