"Congratulations on your 30 years with TWX," the robo signed CEO letter read, as Fred reached for the silver pin contained in the envelope with the letter.
"Actually, it has been nearly 32 years," Fred thought, as he sat in his cubicle in global aerospace giant TWX. "I remember joining this company shortly after I graduated from high school."
Now 50 years old, 20 pounds overweight and with a thinning gray hairline, Fred realized how fast time had passed.
When he arrived home that night, he shared the letter and the silver pin with Margaret, his wife of 25 years. "You realize Fred," Margaret replied, "Your job pays the mortgage on this lovely home and it pays the college expenses for both of our daughters."
Margaret then gave Fred a big hug and added, "You are a very special man."
That night Fred had trouble sleeping. For he knew his life was passing by very quickly and he had an impossible dream, a fantasy that could never be fulfilled.
Since he was 10 years old Fred secretly wished he could play for the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team.
But at age 50, 5 feet, 6 inches tall and with no athletic ability, that could never happen. Or could it?