Dear Reader: President Trump and the Republican controlled Senate are selecting a new conservative Supreme Court justice just before the presidential election, thus taking that selection away from the Democrats in case they win the presidential election. President Trump will now have selected 3 of the 9 justices. He is under fire for repeatedly violating his oath of office, including threatening to stay in office should he lose the election. This is unprecedented in U.S. history. By stacking the Court, he may have a better chance to stay in office if his case goes to the Supreme Court, claiming the election was rigged against him.
The Democrats response has been to threaten to "pack" the Supreme Court, adding more justices than the 9 authorized under the law, if their presidential candidate is elected, and if they also elect enough senators to control the Senate. If implemented, this unfortunate approach would further undermine the Court.
What follows is a satirical email discussion I had with my dear friend Yanin Ontiveros, in which I use the Democrat's Supreme Court logic.